Thursday, March 29, 2007


Date: 3/29
Grade: 12
Teacher Name: Rosiak/Rybarczyk

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

-As the teacher, we want the children to be able to use a computer along with understanding the text from the book.
-If the student is able to achieve both, then the teacher is very successful.

1.Understand the material that was presented or given.
2.Apply what they have learned throughout the book to help them do a project.
3.Then successfully create the crossword puzzle which will be assigned.

1.Watch the children learn the material.
2.See the children work with technology.
3.Allow them to advance their learning from a different source that they may feel comfortable with.

Material and Aides:
1. Text book.
2. Computer.
3. Knowledge

Procedures and Methods:
A. Introduction-
1.Review over any materials that may not be understood completely through.
2.Tell the students about the project and what we will be doing.
3.Then take them down to the computer lab for them to start up their project.

B. Development-
1.Briefly explain what is going to be done.
2.Tell them they can go on both of the teachers Lesson Plan Attachment to their blogger to see an example.
3.And start them with brainstorming words.

C. Practice-
1.Quiz them out loud about themes in the text.
2.Also, ask about objects or any important information given.
3.And then tell them they are allowed to use any information currently given.

D. Independent Practice-
1.Sign on the the computer and begin making the crossword.
3.Each student must have Eight words.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-
1.After done making the crossword puzzle, copy the completed crossword, and paste it in your blogger.
2.Post it, and under, put the answers somewhere.
3.Once finished, write two to three sentences about how this project reflects the book. (post that also.)

F. Checking for understanding-
1.Then as the teachers, we will then go onto all of the blogger and grade what they have done.

G. Closure-
1.Hopefully at the end of the project the students were able to have some sort of fun with what they accomplished.
2. And maybe some other students will print off other students crosswords for some extra credit.

1.So by being able to use the computer, we are helping the students relate their learned material to present time.
2.Also in class we can have a pretty fun day to review.

Teacher Reflection:
Students will get all of their work in on time. From this, the teacher is able to see a hands on experience. Along with that, the teacher will know if the students read the text. And the teacher can see if the work is helping them comprehend what is going on.

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